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Feminish Music- Alessia Cara Scars To Your Beautiful

Heyyy guys! Trying to get a little more back on track with this blog... There is a lot that I can talk about- a lot I want to talk about... but nothing has been inspiring me as of late... so yeah.

Anyway... I remember hearing this song on the radio a few months ago and I really loved it because I thought it was something I need to hear every once and a while. It is such a very strong powerful song and it was written to end the impossible "Beauty Standards" and showing... you know what the standards are? Everyone is beautiful. It seems that people often say "There is beauty in everything" But I never seem to hear a lot of "There is beauty in EVERYONE!" And that is what we need to focus on.

The name of the song always confuses me. "No Scars To Your Beautiful." I think it means, no matter what scars you have, what you've gone through in life, nothing can scar your beautiful. And messages like "You don't have to change a thing, the world can change its heart" is something that is really beautiful to me... because really no one should HAVE to change something about themselves for another person... it isn't right, if you want to change it has to be for YOURSELF and not for society... and if society wants to change, that is great.

The video was really moving too... they showed a lot of people, all different ages, races, genders with different sort of problems... they showed a woman removing her head wrap to reveal that she was mostly bald. And everyone in the video was very beautiful! They all showed themselves smiling and they were talking about insecurities and acceptance. It was just very nice and thought provoking.

And a lot of the people did have things that society would not deem beautiful... but all I could see in the video was their beauty, and their smiling faces and... it was something I'm sure was supposed to be apparent in the video... but I found myself really focusing on the video and then I noticed things like "Ohhh that little girl doesn't have hair." Or something like that because she was such a beautiful girl with a beautiful smile.

As someone that was bullied from middle school through high school... and dealt with a lot of mean people along the way including now, really... people are quick to judge people without knowing them and quick to compare if they do know someone... but in reality... everyone is equal... and there is no better you than the you that you are!



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