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Lady Gaga Body Shaming

Here's the more negative thing that happened at the Superbowl this year... Lady Gaga performed the Superbowl this year and she wore typical outfits that every dancer would wear. They showed her stomach and she's a very fit woman... she works out like all the time and is in very good shape... but she's still a human and has a stomach. I can't even say she has flab or a little pudge... she looked fantastic... but somehow people were saying she was too fat to dress like that... here's how she dressed.

I'm not sure what exactly people are seeing here as "fat." It's totally TOTALLY baffling to me.

Men are allowed to go around shirtless... and they have more of a comfortability doing that. Not that they aren't body shamed as well or if they feel totally insecure or not... but there are lots of times when men do yard work like mowing the lawn or something and it's hot so they take their shirt off... men do this no matter what their body looks like... and people don't really say anything about it... at least adults probably for the most part don't say anything about it. It's something you maybe think about as a kid... but then you realize "Ohhh that's a physically demanding job... he's hot and will probably get overheated if he doesn't take his shirt off." It makes sense...

So why don't people see that Lady Gaga is also a dancer? She's a singer... but dancing is a HUGE part of her job. That is a physically demanding job as well... and she needs to dress in clothes that are appropriate to dance in. Sure... she could have done that without showing her stomach... but then people would just say something else. They would say it was "too skin tight" or something... people would pick it apart if they wanted to pick it apart... its just something that happens when you are in the public eye. I find it hard to believe that any fan of lady gaga was like "Wow! I was really looking forward to Lady Gaga at the halftime show... but I was disappointed that she looked so chubby at the Super Bowl." No... we just said "Wow! What an amazing performance! I almost cried!" Because I did. I've been a long time fan of Gaga... before she became a household name in the US- I saw her on a German MTV type of station and I really liked Just Dance... so maybe I've imprinted on her and I just am loyal to her... but I get personally offended when people say something bad about her... so I got kinda pissed! Maybe I'm too attached... but first off- THIS IS NOT FAT! Secondly... leave her alone for doing her job and basically wearing a work uniform. She's not doing this to impress you... she's not doing this for you... she's doing this because that is what she does.

So... yeah. Body shaming in general isn't okay. It's kind of the same as catcalling if you think about it. It's like saying "Ohhh... your only value is your body, and that doesn't look good... so I'm not going to think of you as a human anymore." It really devalues a person... and it just isn't right.



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